
Leveraging Blockchain for Federated Data Lakes: An overview

Authored by Almaviva  Blockchain technology, once synonymous only with cryptocurrencies, has now permeated various sectors, including data management. This article introduces the benefits of incorporating blockchain technology in federated data lakes for data sharing, the differences between public and private blockchains, and the concept of Layer 2 solutions with some examples. At the end of the…

Boris Sedlak, presenting TEADAL at the Summer SOC 2023

TEADAL’s presentation at SummerSoC 2023

From June 25th to July 1st 2023, Boris Sedlak, Researcher and PhD candidate at Technical University Vienna, participated in the 17th Symposium and Summer School On Service-Oriented Computing, at Heraklion, Greece. He participated in the session “Mixed Technologies” paper session where he presented the TEADAL project, “Towards Serverless Data Exchange Within Federations”. His presentation and…

Dr. Pierluigi Plebani, POLIMI, representing TEADAL at CAiSE 2023

TEADAL being presented at CAiSE Conference 2023

During 12-16 June 2023, TEADAL’s scientific coordinator, Dr. Pierluigi Plebani, POLIMI, participated in the CAiSE Conference 2023, at Zaragoza, Spain. It was the 35th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering. Dr. Plebani presented TEADAL in the project representation track of the conference. His paper, “TEADAL: Trustworthy, Energy-Aware federated DAta Lakes along the computing continuum”…

Dr. Sebastian Werner, TU Berlin, representing TEADAL at Data Week 2023

TEADAL’s participation at BDVA Data Week 2023

From 13-15 June 2023, Big Data Value Association held its Data Week event at Lulea, Sweden. TEADAL was invited to participate in the session, Digital Technologies and Processes for Sustainable and Secure Data Management, Use and re-Use of Data, organized and hosted by the Data Spaces Support Center, whose community TEADAL has joined recently. In…


Use-cases requirements, challenges and way ahead – TEADAL’s perspective

Technologies developed in TEADAL will be validated through a number of pilot cases, covering most of the Common European Data Spaces (have a look at them in detail in TEADAL’s pilot page). The requirements of the pilot cases will help to steer the development. Recently, the TEADAL consortium finished the requirements analysis of the pilot…

TEADAL consortium in Denia

TEADAL General Assembly in Denia, Spain

On March 15th and 16th 2023, TEADAL consortium met face-to-face for their first General Assembly after the kickoff meeting in September 2022.  The General Assembly was hosted by TEADAL’s HealthData Pilot partner, Marina Salud at their Hospital/premises in Denia, Spain.  During the 2 days, the consortium held extensive discussions on the different pilots, their requirements…

TEADAL participates at TRUSTEE project Workshop “Co-Designing Data Spaces: Empowering Usability”

TEADAL participates at TRUSTEE project Workshop “Co-Designing Data Spaces: Empowering Usability”

On 9th of March 2023, TEADAL participated in the first workshop organized by the TRUSTEE project “Co-Designing Data Spaces: Empowering Usability”. The TRUSTEE project is one of the Horizon Europe projects funded under the same call as TEADAL, the HORIZON-CL4-2021-DATA-01.  The “hybrid” workshop was organized during TRUSTEE project’s first face-to-face meeting at Bucharest Romania and…

Data Spaces Support Centre

TEADAL joins Data Spaces Support Center’s (DSSC) list of relevant initiatives and stakeholders

TEADAL project was recently invited to be presented in the inaugural webinar of the Data Spaces Support Center (DSSC). Coordinator of TEADAL, Dr. Rita Santiago, Ubiwhere, presented the project to the Data Spaces community in Europe. Following this introduction, TEADAL has also been added to the DSSC community of relevant initiatives and stakeholders. TEADAL works…

TEADAL joins the EUCloudEdgeIoT Community

On 8th of February, the EUCloudEdgeIoT community officially kicked off by launching its several task forces and its envisioned activities. In this community webinar about 80 participants joined from various ongoing European funded research and innovation projects in the field of Meta Operating Systems, swarm computing, cognitive cloud, data management, and more.  The EUCloudEdgeIoT is…

TEADAL at EBDVF - Session


The European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) is a highly reputable event in the European data and communications technologies field. This flagship event not only gathers scientists and practitioners from academia and industry to present the state-of-the-art in various technologies and research, but sets the way for future research as well. This year’s EBDVF gathered…