Unlocking the Future of Privacy-Aware Federated Data Lakes: Insights from TEADAL

Unlocking the Future of Privacy-Aware Federated Data Lakes: Insights from TEADAL

Authored by Cybernetica  In the era of data-driven applications, safeguarding sensitive information is paramount, giving rise to privacy and confidentiality requirements in large data processing scenarios. Tackling these issues is at the forefront of the TEADAL project, which is dedicated to the development of trustworthy and privacy-aware federated data lakes. In this blog post, we explore…


Revolutionizing Data Management: The Era of Distributed Data Lakes and Federated Solutions

Authored by BOX2M  Introduction In today’s fast-paced and data-driven business landscape, the need for efficient and scalable data management solutions has never been more critical. Companies are increasingly relying on data lakes to store and analyze vast amounts of information, but with the growing complexity of business ecosystems, the traditional centralized approach is no longer sufficient….

AMTS Catania

Data Analysis at the service of public mobility

Authored by AMTS  National Access Point (NAP) Digitalisation and data sharing are essential processes for the implementation of new mobility information services. The European Commission, through specific directives, is requesting the implementation of National Access Points (NAPs) from the transport authorities of each EU country to facilitate the sharing and re-use of transport and mobility data….


Leveraging Blockchain for Federated Data Lakes: An overview

Authored by Almaviva  Blockchain technology, once synonymous only with cryptocurrencies, has now permeated various sectors, including data management. This article introduces the benefits of incorporating blockchain technology in federated data lakes for data sharing, the differences between public and private blockchains, and the concept of Layer 2 solutions with some examples. At the end of the…