TEADAL being presented at CAiSE Conference 2023

During 12-16 June 2023, TEADAL’s scientific coordinator, Dr. Pierluigi Plebani, POLIMI, participated in the CAiSE Conference 2023, at Zaragoza, Spain. It was the 35th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering.

Dr. Plebani presented TEADAL in the project representation track of the conference. His paper, “TEADAL: Trustworthy, Energy-Aware federated DAta Lakes along the computing continuum” was accepted and appears as conference’s proceedings.

The conference continued its tradition as the premiere venue for innovative and rigorous research across the whole spectrum of Information Systems Engineering with a special emphasis on the theme of Cyber-Human Systems. Examples include novel computing platforms (e.g., wearable devices), systems that interact with users through multiple modalities (e.g., brain-machine interfaces), human-in-the-loop approaches, local data processing in smart devices, and intelligent infrastructures for augmented life and society.

Dr. Pierluigi Plebani, POLIMI, representing TEADAL at CAiSE 2023
Dr. Pierluigi Plebani, POLIMI, representing TEADAL at CAiSE 2023