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TEADAL 1st Workshop

14/03/2024 @ 9:00 am 12:15 pm

Organizations that work with data, either creating it, managing it or analyzing it have tremendous current and future economic opportunities. Data is being generated at an unprecedented rate, however there are still aspects around it which need a lot of orchestration; technologically, ethically, legally, geographically etc. 

The TEADAL project aims to provide key cornerstone technologies to create stretched data lakes spanning the cloud-edge continuum and multi-cloud environments, while enabling private, confidential, and energy-efficient data management. The project’s mission is to develop reusable toolsets for data lakes capable of enabling trusted, verifiable, and energy-efficient data flows. Here, the project tackles both stretched data lakes, e.g., environments consisting of data that is stored partially in cloud environments and partially located on the edge close to where it is generated,  and across a trustworthy mediator-less federation, e.g., collections of data lakes that agree to a common standard of exchange without a third party that needs to enforce them. For that TEADAL proposes a shared approach for defining, enforcing, and tracing privacy/confidentiality requirements balanced with the need for energy reduction. TEADAL aims to lower the barriers to create very flexible data lake federations. Organizations across the European Union (EU) can be stimulated to share, ensuring that the data are properly managed with respect to the current regulation at both national and European levels. Thus, TEADAL is providing key enablers for the realization of EU data spaces for the realization of a single digital market supporting a data economy in Europe.

The TEADAL consortium is happy to invite you to its first technical workshop, taking place on the 14th of March at “Aula Magna”, POLIMI (First floor of Building 1 – Rettorato): Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 – 20133 – Milano (MI). Join us to learn more about the project, meet the partners and discuss technical challenges that we have encountered and how we have dealt with them. 

Workshop Agenda

09:00 – 09:15 – Registration and opening

09:15 – 09:30 – Welcome and brief introduction to the TEADAL project 

09:30 – 10:30 – Cornerstone technologies of the TEADAL project 

  • Enabling data sharing by extending the Data Mesh in a federated environment – Dr. Pierluigi Plebani, POLIMI 
  • Optimizing data pipelines in federated and computing continuum settings – Dr. Josep Sampe, IBM 
  • Establishing trust across computing continuum boundaries – Dr. Sebastian Werner, TU Berlin 

10:30 – 11:00 – Coffee break 

11:00 – 12:00 – European Data Spaces – trends and technologies – Presentations from industrial experts

  • Erika Gyorvary, Technology Coordinator, CSEM (Industrial Advisory Board member TEADAL) 
  • Marco Morelli, Researcher, Center for Genomic Science, Italian Institute of Technology
  • Sergio Gusmeroli, Research Coordinator, POLIMI

12:00 – 12:15 – Closing

Workshop Slides

  • TEADAL: project overview – Dr. Pierluigi Plebani, POLIMI (download slides)
  • Enabling data sharing by extending the Data Mesh in a federated environment – Dr. Pierluigi Plebani, POLIMI (download slides)
  • Optimizing data pipelines in federated and computing continuum settings – Dr. Josep Sampe, IBM (download slides)
  • Establishing trust across computing continuum boundaries – Dr. Sebastian Werner, TU Berlin (download slides
  • GDI: Genomic Data Infrastructure – Marco Morelli, Researcher, Center for Genomic Science, Italian Institute of Technology (download slides)
  • Sergio Gusmeroli, Research Coordinator, POLIMI